The money in this fund will be used by students in the OSU Department of History to enable them to conduct research and present their research at academic conferences. Dr. Petrin believed it was important for students to become actively involved in the historical profession. His mentoring, care, and encouragement enabled generations of students to pursue their dreams as historians. It is our hope that this fund named in Dr. Petrin's honor will allow current and future students to follow this path he paved for so many students in the past.
All gifts help current and future history students achieve their goals.
Dr. Petrin was very active in the OSU chapter of Phi Alpha Theta and with the national organization. He always encouraged students -- undergraduate and graduate -- to present research at PAT conferences.
Conference registration is expensive. It now costs over $100 for non-member students to register for the AHA.
In honor of Dr. Petrin's fascination with the economic aspects of the Gilded Age.