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Spring 2023 - 2nd International INTERACT Symposium

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
1 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 27, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Can you help us INTERACT with impact?

April 21, 2023

On July 10 & 11th, the INTERACT Institute will be hosting an international symposium to provide a much needed opportunity for professionals from various backgrounds to come together and interact to discuss solutions to the global health challenges that affect the world today and which will benefit all living beings. We are looking to raise $10,000 towards being able to offer travel grants to researchers to bring them to OSU where they can meet like-minded individuals. 

Can you help us towards our goal? Your donation, of any amount, will have a real impact and deliver huge benefits. We look forward to welcoming you as part of the INTERACT community.

National Pet Day - can you help INTERACT bring medical professionals together?

April 11, 2023

April 11th marks National Pet Day - a day to celebrate the animal companions who share both our lives and our homes.

Animals can develop diabetes, asthma, cancer etc and yet diagnostics and therapeutics for diseases in animals often lags in terms of progress in comparison to human medicine. What we need are joined-up approaches between the two medical disciplines and the scientific, academic and allied communities and opportunities to bring them together to interact. Can you help INTERACT provide such an opportunity on 10 & 11th July, 2023 when it hosts an international symposium discussing a wide range of topics in the areas of One Health and One Medicine?

Any donation would mean a huge amount to us and will help us to deliver benefits for animals, people and the environment.

Choose a giving level


Individual - Silver

Show your support for the 2nd INTERACT International Symposium by donating an amount which celebrates the year of INTERACT’s founding.


Individual - Gold

This gift will go towards providing a 'golden thread' to enable our symposium to unite the One Health and One Medicine communities


Individual - Platinum

Your gift will enable our symposium to be a catalyst to unite the One Health and One Medicine communities



Just like the metal, your silver sponsorship is precious to us. It will help us be able to offer travel grants to speakers and delegates attending OSU in person, as well as helping us provide opportunities to unite the One Health and One Medicine communities. For more information on the silver level sponsorship package, please contact us at:



By providing Gold Level Sponsorship, you are providing us with a golden opportunity for our symposium to INTERACT with impact, bringing speakers and delegates both in person and online from across the globe. For more information on the gold level sponsorship package, please contact us at:



Just like the precious metal, Platinum Level Sponsorship will be a real catalyst for positive impact and change. It will create lasting change which will enable INTERACT to continue providing opportunities to bring together clinicians, researchers, scientists, industry and policy makers. For more information on the platinum level sponsorship package, please contact us at:

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