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Spring 2023 - Mercury Robotics Club

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
1 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 25, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners



Mar 29, 2023
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Shirt Shopper

Our custom embroidered Mercury polo shirts were our first fundraiser for the club! They cost $15 each for members and were custom embroidered by Kelly Lewis, our vice president.



We use these to teach new members with smaller projects and we use them for independently proposed small robotics projects for the members!


New and recurring member

Currently on our campuslink (including advisors and graduate mentors) we have 36 members!


Pizza Patron

Our members are dedicated, so our meetings often run long. We ensure that no member goes without dinner by providing pizza at all our meetings. Your donation funds that dinner and keeps our members fed and learning!


Camera Connoisseur

We intend to use the Intel real sense D455 camera to do local mapping of the course as our robot travels! Your contribution would allow us to purchase this camera and get started on tuning that path planning!


Velodyne VIP

We also want to get the Velodyne VLP-16 Puck LITE to use as a 2D Lidar. This would allow us to generate a pointcloud of obstacles on the course! Additionally, this is the same goal we need to meet to register for the IGVC AutoNAV competition.


Ouster Obtainer

The Ouster OS0 is our dream 3D lidar for this competition. If we were able to utilize this hardware, we wouldn't even need an additional stereoscopic camera. This precision and reliability provided by the OS0 is incomparable!

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