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Spring 2023 - PLC's Study Abroad in Zimbabwe

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
8 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 25, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Thank you for your donation!

April 26, 2023

Hello and Happy Wednesday!

Thank you to everyone who donated! Your contributions will be going to create scholarships for students studying abroad. Updates will continue to be posted, but they will be updates about the study aboard trips and how your donations are being used! We look forward to sharing with you!

Have a nice day!


April 21, 2023

Hello everyone, and Happy Friday!

There are 4 more days to donate to create scholarship for students! We have not reached our goal, so what we ask is that you continue to donate, spread the word, and donate again!


We're not done yet! Donate today!

April 12, 2023

Hello and Happy Wednesday! 

We are $9,605 short from reaching our goal to provide students with study abroad scholarships! Remember any size donation counts, we are asking you all to support the professional and educational development of students here at OSU. Go Pokes!

Today's fun fact is!

Cotton, tobacco, gold, ferro alloys and textiles/clothing comprise the major items that Zimbabwe exports!

Fun fact, Any size donation counts!

April 05, 2023

Hello and Happy Wednesday! As of today, we have raised $395! We need $9,605 more to create scholarship opportunities for students! Any size donation counts!

Today's update brings you, Fun facts about Zimbabwe!

-Did you know Victoria Falls can be heard from 40 Kilometers away!

- Zimbabwe uses The U.S. Dollar, Botswana Pula, and The South African Rand as currency!

- Zimbabwe became independent from the United Kingdom on April 18, 1980!

New experiences start with donations!

March 29, 2023

Hello and Happy Wednesday! As of today, we have raised $215! We need $9,785 more to create scholarship opportunities for students! Any size donation counts!

When asked what they hoped to experience abroad students Sonrisa Bebo and Parker Perry gave these two quotes.

"I'm hoping to experience a lot of things through this! Getting to see another part of the world is going to be so exciting. I'm really hoping to experience personal change and growth during my time in Zimbabwe!"

- Sonrisa Bebo

"In Zimbabwe, I'm looking forward to witnessing the lasting effects of the work that many of us have been doing with Wishes for Water back home; it's an inspiring project in and of itself, but to see the impact that we are making firsthand is something I am very excited about. I'm also anticipating working closely with Dr. Trent, learning more about her amazing life and experiences, and hopefully growing as both a leader and person while in the presence of such great leadership." 

- Parker Perry

Ready, Set, Donate!

March 22, 2023

Hello everyone! Our site has officially opened and is accepting donations for the next 5 weeks! PLC is raising $10,000 to support PLC’s study abroad in Zimbabwe. 

This program allows students to broaden their world perspective and make lasting memories. When asked about a favorite memory Lily Chavez shared the following story!

 "One of my favorite memories of being in Zimbabwe was the dinner cruise on the Zambezi River! We went as a group on the dinner cruise in Victoria Falls and got to have a candlelit dinner while we watched the beautiful sunset. We saw hippos and lots of crocodiles while we cruised through the Zambezi! My favorite moment was when the sun had set, and we were all gathered around the table conversing with a solo traveler from Paris. It was such a beautiful moment where we were all present and having the best time together!"

Choose a giving level


Student's Meal

Covers the cost of a students meal


Entrance to Victoria Falls

Covers the cost of a student's fee to enter Victoria Falls National Park


Cost of a VISA

Covers the cost for a student's VISA into Zimbabwe


River Cruise

Covers the cost for each student to participate in a dinner cruise on the Zambezi River


Health and Safety Fee

Covers students health and safety fee


Hotel Accommodations

Covers the cost for a student to stay in a hotel while in Zimbabwe


Course Tuition

Covers study abroad course tuition and fees


A Student's Plane Ticket

Covers one student's plane ticket to Zimbabwe from Oklahoma City

Our Crowdfunding Groups