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Fall 2023 - College of Education and Human Sciences Ambassadors

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
16 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Help Us Continue to Give Back to Freshmen in CEHS

As College of Education and Human Sciences Ambassadors, we strive to represent our college the best we can. We are a selective group of 65 students from all across the majors in our college in the departments of Aviation, Education, Health Sciences, Design and Merchandising, and Human and Community Services. We are scholars, researchers, leaders, and mentors, and all share a common passion for helping others.

Our mission is to support our College of Education and Human Sciences freshmen through their First Year Seminar Classes and the P.L.A.C.E. living-learning program. Our ambassadors dedicate over 4,800 hours of volunteer service to these freshmen by attending and presenting in their First Year Seminar classes, mentoring them through 1 on 1 meetings, and planning and attending activities to engage with the students. We understand that freshman year isn't easy, and our goal is to serve as role models and mentors for them to be as successful as they can be. 

Our team attends meetings and training sessions where they receive certifications and learn to be the best mentors possible. Through your support, we are able to continue to gain more training and certifications to be even better mentors and ambassadors for these freshmen. The support would also help us in our annual Freshmen Celebration, My First Tradition, and Freshmen Awards ceremonies. We also would like to recognize the seniors on our team for all the work and dedication they have put in over the years. Any support would advance these efforts in making the College of Education and Human Sciences a place where students continue to feel supported, celebrated, and successful.

Choose a giving level


Senior Ambassador Cord

The cost of one cord for a graduating Ambassador.


CEHS Freshman Award

The cost of one award for our Freshman Awards Ceremony.


65 Members Strong

The CEHS Ambassador Group is made up of 65 amazing members!


Ceremony Decor

The cost of decor for one of our celebratory ceremonies for freshmen and seniors!


CEHS Freshmen Class

A dollar for every freshman in our college.


CEHS Freshman Awards

The cost of ALL of our Freshman Awards!


All Day Training

Bring in an all-day speaker and workshop for training and certification for our team!

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