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Fall 2023 - Cowboy Aphasia Camp

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
20 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

November 27, 2023

Hello, Cowboy Aphasia Camp Friends!

In the picture here, you see a man with aphasia reconnecting with his painting talent for the first time since his stroke.  Cowboy Aphasia Camp made this possible!

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday.  We are moving closer to our goal, and donations of any amount will help moments like this happen during next year's camp.  To those who have already donated, THANK YOU!  Could you share this invitation with one or two more people who might be able to help?  

Thank you on behalf of the campers, their families, and our CDIS students! :)

Aphasia is Identity Theft

November 15, 2023

The mask you see here was created by Jim, who was an amazing aphasia warrior.  His art tells more than words can about what having aphasia is like. 

You can help Cowboy Aphasia Camp in two ways:  1) a donation of any amount is so helpful in funding Cowboy Aphasia Camp at OSU in 2024 and beyond; 2) sharing word of this project with others who may be able to help is also a tremendous blessing to this project.    Just copy /paste to an e-mail or social media.  Thank you so much for considering!????

Message from Lisa

November 08, 2023

In 2020, married almost 39 years, Brian and I were enjoying our mid to late fifties … two grown children, their spouses, three grandchildren; both working good jobs, me in education, he in investment banking and preaching part-time.  In the early morning hours on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, my husband had a stroke resulting in aphasia and apraxia. That night, he lost all of his speech, his ability to read, write, and process information. He also had some physical deficits, most of which have since been rectified. We had never heard of aphasia or apraxia but we were quickly educated. Fast forward almost three years later, and Brian is making improvements daily. This progress would not be possible without all of the amazing speech and language therapists that have helped him along the way. We were initially introduced to the possibility of attending the OSU/Tulsa Cowboy Aphasia camp when he was still in the early stages of recovery with our local SLP in 2021. In 2022, he was invited to attend the weeklong, intensive camp and came home on such a great camp high. He was so thankful to the Director, SLPs and those in-training, as well as all of his fellow campers. He made some very close bonds that week. 

Attending again in 2023, he once again returned home with a renewed mindset that he could continue to make improvements. And he has! Currently assisting on some Zoom Bible Studies for folks with aphasia, he’s gaining confidence and purpose again. I’m so proud of him and so thankful that the OSU/Tulsa Cowboy Aphasia Camp has made such a huge difference in ours and so many other people’s lives. 

 Lisa J. (wife of a Camper)

Wanna Orange Brain?

November 02, 2023

Hi!  Just announcing a little incentive!  Every donor to the Cowboy Aphasia Camp project will receive an original mini watercolor brain in OSU Orange!  We think this will look great on your desk!

Thanks, and Neurons Firing!! :)

Cowboy Aphasia Camp is Rocking PhilanthroPete!

October 29, 2023

So excited to announce that at the start of Week 2, Cowboy Aphasia Camp's PhilanthroPete fundraiser is almost a quarter of the way to our goal!  Thank you! to all who have donated and shared word of the project. Please help us keep the words flowing. Every donation and word-of-mouth mention of our project counts in this race!

Choose a giving level


A Quip

One dollar for each camp year so far and one to grow on. Your donation will provide supplies our grad students will use during camp.


A Quote

Campers practice some famous quotes during camp. Your donation will cover the cost of a boogie board (like a dry erase board, but better!) for a camper to use during camp, and keep when camp ends.


A Rhyme

Words that sound alike can be used as tools to improve language skills. At camp, we mess around with words a lot! Your gift at this level will purchase new language-based games to keep Neurons Firing!!


A Song

Did you know that music can help promote recovery of speech and language after a stroke? Cowboy Aphasia Camp uses music for this purpose. Your gift at this level will help fund purchase of a keyboard for the "campground"!


A Fish Story

Your donation covers a big chunk of the cost of camp t-shirts. You can't have a camp without t-shirts. They raise awareness of aphasia all year long and help our campers tell their camp stories.


An Epic

Everyone has a story. People with aphasia are no different, and camp is a way to help them tell others about their recovery journey. Your donation at this level will sponsor a portion of the expense to bring a nationally-known individual with aphasia to Cowboy Aphasia Camp, and give our campers another story to share.

Our Crowdfunding Groups