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Fall 2023 - OSU Swim Club

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
33 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Last Day!

November 30, 2023

Today is the last day for the OSU Swim Club project! It goes without saying but we appreciate all the support we've received over the course of this project, it means the world to us and lifts unfathomable weights off of our shoulders. As of writing this last update the project is at 71%, and if we could get even a percent more we would be ecstatic. Thanks for supporting the OSU Swim Club!!!

Onto the Homestretch!

November 30, 2023

We're coming up onto our last week of the OSU Swim Club project! We've currently made 62% of our donation goal, and as a first year club it means the world to have this support, as it provides a world of opportunities we wouldn't otherwise have. As we enter the homestretch for this project we would be elated and beyond thankful to have anymore donations, and maybe even reach our goal!

Halfway Point!

November 13, 2023

Last week marked the halfway point for the OSU Swim Club project, and we're currently at 55% of our fundraising goal! As a first year club this means the world to us. We wouldn't be able to do all that we could without these donations, and we appreciate more than we can put into words. That being said, we hope to raise more before the project is over in order to accomplish more goals that the club has in mind! 

Week 2 Update

November 02, 2023

The OSU Swim Club has hit 25% of our $5000 goal in the first week of the project being open!!! We are unfathomably ecstatic about this and our gratitude goes beyond words, with the donations we have received the club can continue to grow and bring an aquatic presence to OSU and Stillwater as a whole! Once again thanks to all!

OSU Swim Club project is live!

October 25, 2023

The OSU Swim Club project is open! As a first year club, we are always looking for support in any way, shape, or form and any help is greatly appreciated!

Choose a giving level


Lane Space

Lane rentals cost the club $18 per lane per hour, with this donation we'll be able to afford a space for practice!


First Year Back

The 2023-2024 school year marks the return of the OSU Swim Club, in which we've garnered 50 members! This level is in commemoration of all the clubs members.



OSU had a NCAA swim team up until 1978 when the program was cut, this level is in honor of the OSU Swim Team.


Swim Clinic

The OSU Swim Club plans to run a swim clinic every semester in order to help the community stay water aware, the cost of doing one of these clinics is $324.



As the Colvin pool is decommissioned, the OSU Swim Club practices at the Stillwater YMCA. The flat rate for pool usage across the semester is $3500, donations at this level would allow us to practice for a full semester!

Our Crowdfunding Groups