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Fall 2023 - Eating Disorder Care Improvement - HEΔRE Lab

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
15 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Improving Eating Disorder Identification and Treatment among Trans and Gender Expansive Communities

This project is aimed at improving eating disorder care for trans and gender expansive people. Right now, providers do not have ways to accurately understand the severity of eating disorder symptoms among trans and gender diverse people and often have little to no training in how to offer support. The tools providers currently have to identify and measure eating disorder severity among these communities are limited and simply unhelpful, which is concerning because eating disorders are one of the most lethal mental health concerns that face our society. 

In other words, we have left gender diverse people behind when it comes to the identification of eating disorders and access to life-saving care. To help fix that, our project will create a community-specific scale that will help providers more accurately detect, diagnose, and treat eating disorders among trans and gender expansive individuals. Together, we can advance treatment and advocacy in this important area and save lives through earlier detection.

Choose a giving level


Stonewall Donor

With a donation of $19.69 or more, we remember LGBTQ+ liberation and resistance fought for at Stonewall as the background for the work we are able to do today!


Research Patron

Eating disorders receive the lowest amount of research funding out of all mental illnesses! Current funding amounts mean that each year, just 73 cents per person with an eating disorder is allocated to studying and preventing eating disorders. This research supporter level amplifies that number! Donors at or above the "Research Patron" level will receive an invitation to our seminar (date TBD) related to gender affirming care and eating disorders.


Representation Supporter

Project Heal and FEDUP Collective estimate that merely 150 eating disorder providers are LGBTQ+ or BIPOC. The Representation Supporter level acknowledges this disproportionate makeup of the field and supports our work to provide better care to trans individuals with eating disorders. Donors at the "Representation Supporter" level will receive an invitation to our seminar (date TBD) related to gender affirming care and eating disorders, as well as a group follow-up question and answer session in the weeks following the seminar.


Access Advocate

Only about 10% of people with eating disorders ever receive treatment. Donating 10% of our goal will help us increase access through improved screening! Donors at the "Access Advocate" level will be invited to have our seminar related to gender affirming care and eating disorders a follow-up question and answer session presented individually to just your group/practice.


Treatment Champion

FEDUP Collective and Project Heal estimate there is only one spot in eating disorder treatment centers for every 5,000 people diagnosed with an eating disorder. By fully funding the development of our screening tool, this level of support acknowledges the shortfalls of our field and supports an improved future. Donors at the "Treatment Champion" level will be invited to meet with the team to identify what needs your group/practice has related to gender affirming care and EDs and will be invited to an individualized seminar and follow-up Q&A based on those needs.

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