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Fall 2023 - Indian Student Association

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
2 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Diwali Night: Celebrating a Decade of Cultural Unity and Growth at OSU

For the past decade, Oklahoma State University (OSU) has illuminated its campus with the vibrant traditions of Diwali Night. Bringing together nearly 600 individuals from diverse backgrounds, this annual event has become a symbol of unity, fostering cultural appreciation and understanding.

Our Legacy, Our Commitment: This year, we are committed to preserving this cherished tradition while also expanding our horizons. Diwali Night at OSU is not just a celebration; it's a pledge to continuously enrich our campus with the beauty of Indian culture.

Our Objectives: Our objectives encompass continuity, cultural exchange, and community building. We aspire to create a platform for cultural exchange through captivating performances, authentic cuisine, and exhibitions of Indian art and craft. But our vision extends beyond this one-night extravaganza.

A Year-Round Cultural Journey: We envision a year-round cultural journey, filled with activities, workshops, and discussions that promote cultural awareness and inclusivity at OSU. This event is a catalyst for a more enriched and diverse campus experience.

Unity in Diversity: Diwali Night at OSU is a testament to unity in diversity, bridging cultures and building a legacy of cultural celebration and understanding. Your support is crucial in making this event a resounding success and in driving the ongoing cultural growth at OSU.

Join us in celebrating a decade of Diwali Nights and in shaping a future filled with cultural enrichment and unity. Together, we light up the path to a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow. 

✨ #DiwaliAtOSU #CulturalUnity"

Choose a giving level


Bronze Diya Donor

Illuminate the night with your support! As a Bronze Diya Donor, you'll help us light up the event and bring joy to everyone.


Silver Sparkler Sponsor

Be the spark that ignites our Diwali celebration! As a Silver Sparkler Sponsor, you'll contribute to the excitement and festivities.


Golden Diwali Patron

Shine as bright as the Diwali lights! As a Golden Diwali Patron, you'll play a significant role in making our event truly unforgettable.


Platinum Festival Enthusiast

Be the heart of the celebration! As a Platinum Festival Enthusiast, you'll play a pivotal role in ensuring this Diwali night is a spectacular success.


Diamond Diwali Luminary

Shine like a rare gem on our special night! As a Diamond Diwali Luminary, your support will make our event truly radiant and memorable.


Diwali Night Grand Benefactor

Be the driving force behind our Diwali extravaganza! As a Diwali Night Grand Benefactor, you'll be honored for your exceptional contribution in making our event a grand success.

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