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Fall 2023 - Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
20 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Today is the FINAL DAY!

November 29, 2023

We are in the FINAL HOURS of our Fall 2023 PhilanthroPete!!! All of us from the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature are so incredibly thankful for the generous donors who have supported us! This has been OIL's most successful semester of Fundraising yet, raising over $1,300 from nearly 20 donors! We are in the final hours and the donation box is still open! Any and all donations are incredibly appreciated, and we are looking forward to writing our thank-you notes at our final meeting tomorrow!!!

OSU Wins Best Delegation!!!

November 20, 2023

Fall OIL Session has come and gone, and we are proud to report OSU has won Best Delegation yet again!!! We are so incredibly proud and thankful to have attended and competed in this fashion! It was a session full of success in all four competitions, full of friendship, and full of memories. Thank you all for your continued support, we are so excited to be back even stronger in the Spring!!!!!

OSU Bedlam Victory and Two-Week Checkpoint!!!

November 05, 2023

Following an AMAZING OSU Bedlam Win, OIL is about to hit the two-week checkpoint of the PhilanthroPete being live! We have already raised over $500!!! This has already smashed our first donation goal! We hope to hit our next destination, $1,000, very soon! Thank you to all of our donors for their generous support. OIL is incredibly thankful to have such a supportive community. 

Choose a giving level


Feed the Delegates!

This donation will assist the delegation with the most important thing of all: SNACKS! A big delegation means plenty of hungry and tired students, all of whom would greatly appreciate the help!


When it All Began!

The Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature was founded in 1969 by Oklahoma LG George Nigh! Goals of education and political activism has allowed such an OIL to exist longer than any other student organization in the state!


Number of OSU Delegates!

This year OSU will be sending more competing delegates than ever before and more than every other competing delegation!


Sponsor a Student!

This donation would entirely cover the administration and registration costs of an OSU delegate! Each student is a voice, we want OIL to be accessible to everyone!


Hotel Stay!

Give the gift of one hotel room! Each room will accommodate four students for four nights during session!


Help OIL Grow!

Delegates are responsible for partial financial costs relative to attending, staying, eating, and training for OIL. Your gift will help cover costs associated both for the delegation and several individuals!


Change the Future!

Make the largest impact of all, with the most influence possible to truly impact the current & future leaders within OSU OIL!

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