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Spring 2024- Euphoria Fashion Show

Raised toward our $8,000 Goal
47 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 26, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Euphoria Fashion Show

Euphoria Fashion Show


The Design and Merchandising department dedicates its efforts to creating an exceptional and real-world environment for our students. At the heart of our department is the annual Euphoria Fashion Show, a high-energy and electrifying runway show featuring extraordinary garments meticulously designed and crafted by our talented junior and senior students specializing in fashion design and technology This event is brought to life through the dedicated efforts of 18 DM students enrolled in the fashion show production class, under the expert guidance of Professor Diane Limbaugh.

In this unique class, students gain firsthand experience in the intricate process of planning and executing a high-profile event. Their responsibilities span from selecting suitable venues, creating the VIP reception, and curating music to devising strategic marketing campaigns and crafting detailed event programs. The entire journey provides these students with a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of fashion show production.

Sixteen years ago, our journey began within the confined hallways of our department, showcasing the work of senior designers. Over time, we evolved and expanded, initially setting up a tent outdoors. However, battling the unpredictable Oklahoma weather of wind, rain, and storms proved less than ideal. Our quest for the perfect venue led us through various locations until we finally found a home at the ConocoPhillips OSU Alumni Center, where we will proudly host this year's 13th Euphoria Fashion Show.

The term 'Euphoria' encapsulates the essence of our show—an exhilarating state of intense excitement and happiness. This annual event not only brings joy to our students, faculty, and the public but also serves as a transformative experience for our aspiring professionals. However, to ensure the continued success of this high-profile event, we rely on sponsorship donations to provide the financial support necessary for its production.

Our goal this year is to raise $5,000, and we sincerely appreciate any donation you can contribute. Your generosity will play a crucial role in helping us produce the most exceptional Euphoria Fashion Show yet, giving our students a true-to-life experience while allowing us to continue nurturing and showcasing their talents of as they transition into the world of fashion professionals.

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Instagram : @okstate_euphoria 

Choose a giving level


You make a difference!

No matter the size, your gift creates lasting change for our students' skill setting experience. Expect a personalized thank you letter to show our appreciation for your kind contribution!


Empower Potential!

With this donation, you contribute to the professional development and showcase platform for aspiring designers.


Invest in the Future!

With your healthy contribution, you invest in the future of fashion events, supporting students as they gain real-world experience and present their work on a premium platform.


Fuel Innovation!

Help support our students as they gain valuable event planning experience and showcase their design passion by providing the resources to go above and beyond.


Loyal and True!

With this generous endowment, you will be recognized for always staying loyal to your true colors! Your generous support is what puts this show together to provide the newest technology and advancement for our committed students!


Make Dreams a Reality!

With this honorable contribution, you join a prestigious group of patrons who empower the next generation of fashion pioneers. Your donation becomes a cornerstone of the Euphoria Fashion Show, leaving a lasting legacy that supports the student designers.

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