n the Fall term 22% of the students enrolled Construction Management program were female. Significantly higher than the 2023 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) showing that 10.8% of construction workers in the United States are women.
This past Fall term the enrollment in the Construction Management program was 59 students with 67% of those students being classified as part-time, taking any combination of classes online or at night so they could work while advancing their education.
$157.45 is the cost of one credit hour taken within the OSU OKC Construction Management program, representing one of the lowest cost options for a student working to move into the construction career pathway in the State of Oklahoma.
At this sponsorship level, 10 donations are needed to meet the OSU OKC Construction Management program's inaugural student scholarship fundraiser.
At this sponsorship level, only five donations are needed to meet the OSU OKC Construction Management program's inaugural student scholarship fundraiser.