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Spring 2024- Rotaract Kickstarter

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
4 Donor
Project has ended
Project ended on April 26, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

What is Rotaract?

Rotaract is a collegiate program sponsored by Rotary International, which is the world's largest service organization with over 1.4 million members in almost every nation on Earth. The purpose of Rotaract is to bring together the next generation of service minded young adults to allow them to exchange ideas with local leaders, develop leadership and professional skills, and provide a meaningful and sustainable service to our community.

We are a brand new club on campus with very little capital at the moment, so your generous donations would go into our fund to allow us to pay for community service projects, pay for club meetings, and send members to trainings.  All those that donate will be given the opprotunity to join our newsletter to keep up with what we're doing and the impact that we're making at Oklahoma State and in Stillwater.

Because this is our first semester on campus, we have not yet had the opprotunity to organize a large service project, our members are dedicated to providing sustainable service that help diminish the issues that are pointed out by Rotary International's areas of focus.

These areas include:

Promoting Peace - We live in a world today that seems fueled by political animosity and divisiveness.  Rotaract will give its members to engage with people from all walks of life from across the globe, and give them a place to come togethere and meet as friends with a common cause.  By encouraging engagement with people from different cultural, ethnic, and geographic backgrounds, as well as fostering collaboration with members from clubs across the globe, Rotaract members are given new perspectives on the world.  This will allow us to see past our differences and appreciate our similarities as we work to build a better world.

Fighting Diseases - In the past, Rotary has helped equip communities to fight diseases such as Influenza, Polio, HIV, and Malaria.  We will help in any way that we can to eradicate these diseases that plauge our world.

Providing Clean Water - Rotary helps underequiped communities across the globe obtain access to clean and safe drinking water.  While most people typically think of dirty water as a problem only faced by third world countries, Central Oklahoma actually has one of the worst water saftey index ratings in the United States.  This problem is especially apparent on Native American Reservations where an estimated 48% of households do not have access to clean drinking water.

Food Insecurity - Nearly 6 million children under the age of 5 die every year due to malnutirion.  We will work closely with local organizations to help alleviate food insecurity in Central Oklahoma.  We have already worked with the University's Director of Food Insecurity to provide goods and stock shelves, but we are currently looking into projects that could provide a constant and reliable supply of goods to the student stache network to permenately elliminate food insecurity on campus.

Supporting Education - More than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate.  Closer to home, over 19% of adults in Oklahoma are considered illiterate.  We have plans to work with local elementary, middle, and high schools as well as Interact Programs in the state to play our part in increasing the literacy rates.  We don't have any firm plans currently, but ideas of book drives or volunteer days at the local elementary school have been proposed.

Growing Local Economies - One of the areas of focus that we are most excited about is helping to grow Stillwater.  We as young adults can use our youth to help complete laborous projects that will provide a substantial impact on Stillwater.  We can help restore parks, build new parks, help propose city infrastructure projects, and work with local businesses to provide services that will help them stay operational.  For example, we briefly talked to the president of a local Rotary club about converting Stillwater's abandoned railroad tracks into a walking trail with a park.  Our members believe that this would provide a very unique aminity to Stillwater and it is an idea that we are very eager to further explore and look into.

Protecting the Environment - Oklahoma is a state that has an immense amount of natural beauty to it, and we aim to help preserve that in any way we can.  Wether it be engaging in activities such as Into the Streets, hosting community clean up days, or adopting a highway, we will do what we can to ensure that Oklahoma's nature can be preserved for the future generations.

While these seem like lofty goals, our club is comprised of some of the most ambitious, service minded, and leadership oriented students that Oklahoma State has to offer, and we will do whatever we can to have a lasting impact for future generations of Oklahoma State University students.

Choose a giving level


Oklahoma State Charter Donor

The Oklahoma State Rotaract Club was officially chartered with Rotary International on March 5, 2024.


Foundation Level Donor

Generous donations to Rotary's Foundation is how every club in the world is able to keep running. By donation to our foundation you are helping our club run and allow us to continue our service!


Benefactor Level

Benefactors are people who give a substantial amount of money, resources, or time to Rotary. Normally, to be called a benefactor, you need to donate at least $1,000, but all that we are asking is $100!


Bequest Level Donor

By making a substantial donation to Rotary International, you are invited to join the "Bequest Society". While we can't promise you that title, or any of the perks that would normally come with the title, we would love to extend all that donate at this level to our first annual banquet at the end of this year!


Paul Harris Fellow Level Donor

On March 13, 1968, the first Rotaract club was chartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. The club was created to give college aged young adults a place to make a difference on their campus for good. In the 56 years since, the number of clubs has grown to over 8,200 with clubs in over 150 countries, making Rotaract the largest collegiate service organization in the world.

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