Founded in 2000, the OSU Polo Club has been operating for 24 years strong!
Your donation will provide one of our 15 horses a hoof trim which they get once every six weeks. To get all of our horses trimmed it costs about $750 - $1200
Your donation will feed our 15 horses for about 4-5 days with one round bale of delicious hay.
This donation will provide a 150 gallon water trough for our horses to drink out of.
This $500 donation will place you, on our new donor wall at our new polo facility when constructed.
Your donation helps provide essential resources and care for our horses. This will help cover about one month of expenses.
By supporting our efforts, you contribute to our horses long-term care for them to enjoy a safe and happy environment.
The OSU Polo needs a new tack shed to store all of its tack and equipment for the polo players and horses.