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ASME: Networking Events and Design Projects

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
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Project ended on November 29, at 11:59 PM CST
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The MAE Student Chapter of ASME at Oklahoma State University

ASME is, at its core, dedicated to promoting ethics and fostering fellowship among mechanical engineering students at OSU. 

The MAE Student chapter, as part of its unwavering commitment, aims to develop Mechanical Engineering students at OSU professionally through networking events and to foster camaraderie through socials.

The chapter wants to help students succeed in academia and industry. The chapter's goal for PhilanthroPete is to raise funds for design projects and networking events.

Design projects are critical for students to develop soft skills that cannot be learned in most classes, like teamwork, communication, and leadership, as well as technical skills, like CAD and programming. There are plenty of opportunities to compete on design teams at OSU. Still, the chapter wants to offer small-scale projects and competitions for students with other commitments that take up more time (part-time jobs, Greek Life, student government, etc.). This sets OSU students involved in ASME apart from others when they are seeking an internship or full-time employment.

Networking events can draw large crowds of students. The chapter regularly schedules meetings with companies interested in hiring Mechanical Engineering graduates from OSU. However, the chapter would like to help further students prepare for their careers by bringing in faculty and alums to give advice directly to them rather than pitching a specific company or industry.

ASME wants to help OSU engineering students succeed professionally!

Choose a giving level



"Entry-level" donation. Please consider donating if you are a mechanical engineering alumnus of OSU or want to support future mechanical engineering students.



"Mid-level" donation. Please consider donating if you were ever involved in the ASME chapter at OSU and want to support the chapter financially.



"Mid-senior level" donation. Please consider donating if you feel like the ASME chapter helped your career and would like to see the chapter provide more professional development opportunities for students.



"Senior level" donation. Please consider donating if you feel like the ASME chapter helped your career and would like to see the chapter provide more professional development opportunities for students. Do you also have advice to share? Don't hesitate to contact the officer team, and we will guarantee an event for you to network and speak with students. If you donate at this level and want to help the chapter beyond donations, please contact Carson Manhalter ( We want alums to provide insights to our members!



"Principal level" donation. Please consider donating if you feel like the ASME chapter helped your career and would like to see the chapter provide more professional development opportunities for students. Do you have valuable advice to share? We encourage you to reach out to the officer team. Your insights could be instrumental in shaping the future of our chapter. We will ensure an event for you to network and share your wisdom with our students. If you donate at this level and want to help the chapter beyond donations, please contact Carson Manhalter ( We want alums to provide insights to our members!

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