The OK State Women's Bowling team was created in the fall of 2023 with five members, and has since grown to about 15! In the spring of 2024, our team made bracket play for the first time ever, and we had a member place third overall in the fall of last year. Our tournaments have been as close as Shawnee, Oklahoma and as far as O'Fallon, Illinois, and with your help, we're going out west to Vegas!! We've improved tremendously in the year and a half that we've been a club, and we'll only get better from here!
The Glenn Carlson Las Vegas Invitational and the Collegiate Shoot-out are back to back tournaments held in Las Vegas, Nevada in December. OK State Women's Bowling will battle teams from across the country over the course of 4 days, and your donations will help us get there!
The Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) didn't allow women to join until 2004. That's only 21 years ago!
In 1973, then-President Richard Nixon had a one lane alley built in the White House!