Operation Catnip Stillwater (OCS) is a community wide based program with the mission of decreasing the number of community cats by Trap-Neuter-Return. It is our goal to decrease the number of cats presenting to local shelters and their subsequent euthanasia. OCS will serve as training grounds for veterinarians and veterinary students for high-quality high-volume sterilization techniques. OCS will increase community awareness of the value of spay/neuter and provide the community an opportunity for volunteerism and involvement in bettering the lives of community cats.
Through this clinic we aim to make a positive impact in the Stillwater community and on the lives of the surrounding cat communities. These donations really make a difference in the lives of cats. Thanks to donations we can provide our services and relieve the burdens placed on the cat colonies and their care givers. For every cat that comes through our clinic we administer vaccines and flea and tick control, give a preliminary exam and address any wounds or problems that we discover, and spay and neuter the cats.
With generous donations we can continue this service, encourage volunteers to continue helping, and afford the care we provide. Through donations that fund these clinics we are offering an educational opportunity to veterinary and pre-vet students. Data has shown that these clinics have made a positive impact on the feral cat populations of Stillwater, and we hope to continue to be able to provide these services. We believe in cultivating and bettering the future veterinarians of tomorrow. With your help all of this is possible. Thank you!
$25 is the approximate amount it costs to purchase gauze and scrub used during the spay and neuter of cats.
$35 is the cost per cat. This includes one rabies vaccine, one upper respiratory vaccine, flea and tick control, and the spay or neuter.
$55 is the approximate cost for just one box of sutures which is enough for 36 cats.
A group of cats is called a clowder! The word clowder is English and is traced back to the word clotern, which sounds like other words such as clot, clutter and cluster.
Many little things that go into a responsible spay and neuter are often over looked. Things like eye lube, protective plastic wrap, fluids, and other supplies add up fast. A donation of $100 helps out to buy these needed supplies.
Did you know that the chemical nepetalactone in catnip drives cats crazy when it is inhaled and calms cats down when it is ingested? Crazy!
Cats and Lions are physiologically the same except for in their throats. Lions have cartilage in their throat at the hyoid apparatus allowing them to roar, while our friendly cats have bone.
TNR is known as trap, neuter, and release. This process improves cats lives by relieving cats of the stress of mating and pregnancy, cease mating behavior (roaming, yowling, spraying, and fighting), improves cats health, and gives them protection against rabies. Cats that go through this program live longer, healthier lives.
A donation of $5,000 would allow our organization to do our monthly clinics for the 2024-2025 school year with all of the needed supplies and motivation for volunteers, such as breakfast and lunch.