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Fall 2023 - GEO-REx

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
13 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Geoscience Educational Opportunity-Research Experience (GEO-REx)

OUR GOAL: Raise funds to continue running the Geoscience Educational Opportunity-Research Experience (GEO-REx)

WHY: Engaging middle and high school students in the sciences is crucial to bridging the gap in the STEM pipeline for the next generation of geoscientists. The challenges of reliable affordable energy, maintaining and securing water resources, developing solutions to address climate change, and studying our environment will require the brightest of minds from upcoming generations. As a land grant institution, Oklahoma State University and the Boone Pickens School of Geology (BPSoG) offer an outstanding and affordable program ready to tackle these challenges. Community outreach and geoscience camps allow us to reach students who would otherwise not have the opportunity to explore geoscience research and careers. Summer field experiences are especially important for rural and underserved communities, who might otherwise not have access to educational STEM opportunities during the summer. The Geoscience Educational Opportunity-Research Experience (GEO-REx) summer field experience is a critical part of the BPSoG outreach effort.

WHAT'S NEW: The GEO-REx project builds upon similar Geology Summer Field Experiences of 2022 and 2023, where student participants will engage in field trips and workshops focusing on different aspects of geology, including geophysics, marine geology, climate science, general geology, and more, led by BPSoG faculty and students. Student participants will also engage in hands-on research, utilizing lab equipment to obtain data that can be incorporated into science fair projects, listed in college applications, and more. This summer camp will target high school students in Oklahoma, where they will work on a research project with BPSoG faculty and graduate students; high school students will be able to present their results at their local Science Fair, enhance college applications, and even present at a scientific conference.

SUPPORT OUR GOAL: Previous summer experiences have had maximum student enrollment and received very positive feedback from participants. With your donation, we can bring hands-on geology education to under-served communities across Oklahoma through GEO-REx, which will not only provide us the opportunity to engage with under-served high school students but also provide current Boone Pickens School of Geology students the opportunity to engage in outreach, sharing their passion for geology. The funds raised will serve to continue the GEO-REx program and ensure student participants can attend for free. All funds raised will cover room, board, and meals for 20 high school student participants, and reduce costs for research projects and transportation during the camp. 

THANK YOU: Thank you for enriching the experience of students, both current and prospective, within the Boone Pickens School of Geology.  Through this program, we hope to attract more students to the geosciences by removing barriers and providing hands-on learning opportunities. We can't do this without your support! 


Choose a giving level


Arctic Ocean

Your donation will go towards supplies for student research projects of GEO-REx. Supplies may include notebooks, test kits, rock hammers, and more.


Southern Ocean

Your donation will cover room and board for one student for one night during GEO-REx.


Indian Ocean

Your donation will cover room and board for one student during GEO-REx.


Atlantic Ocean

Your donation will cover room and board for two students for the duration of GEO-REx.


Pacific Ocean

Your donation will cover room and board for four students during GEO-REx.


Core Sample

Your donation will cover room and board for six students during GEO-REx, as well as contribute to research supplies.


Research Vessel

Your donation will go towards room, board, travel, as well as research supplies for student attendees of GEO-REx.

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