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Fall 2023 - GEO-REx

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
13 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

A few hours left!

November 30, 2023

WOW! Thank you so much for your support of GEO-REx! With only a few hours left, can you make a contribution towards one of our important outreach components? 

Consider joining in the Dr. Gary Stewart challenge - an anonymous donor is asking all interested in engaging high school students in Geosciences to consider supporting PhilanthroPete in honor of Dr. Gary Stewart. Dr. Stewart dedicates his time to plan and teach the GEO-REx field trip. The attending high school students recognize and appreciate his wisdom and insight into geology and his systematic approach to problem solving.

Thank you for sharing and donating towards our GEO-REx project, which is an important component of our outreach programs. We are committed to geoscience education for the next generation and community building. Not only are we well-equipped and prepared to tackle global energy and geoscience problems impacting our everyday lives, but who else is better to show the advantages of a geology degree from OSU than Pokes themselves? 

We encourage you to take part in our challenge during the last few hours of PhilanthroPete. Go Pokes!


We Have a Challenge!

November 20, 2023

We are so excited to share that we have a challenge! Drs. Quan and Puckette are pleased to announce that an anonymous donor is asking all interested in engaging high school students in Geosciences to consider supporting PhilanthroPete in honor of Dr. Gary Stewart. Dr. Stewart dedicates his time to plan and teach the GEO-REx field trip. The attending high school students recognize and appreciate his wisdom and insight into geology and his systematic approach to problem solving. 

Can you join in the challenge, and donate towards GEO-REx in honor of Dr. Gary Stewart? This would involve choosing to make a donation, and in the "In honor of" section, write in Dr. Gary Stewart. 

Thank you for sharing and donating towards our GEO-REx project, which is an important component of our outreach programs. We are committed to geoscience education for the next generation and community building. Not only are we well-equipped and prepared to tackle global energy and geoscience problems impacting our everyday lives, but who else is better to show the advantages of a geology degree from OSU than Pokes themselves? 

We encourage you to take part in our challenge during the last 10 days of PhilanthroPete. Go Pokes!



Two Weeks Left!

November 16, 2023

Due to the continuing generosity of our donors, we are about 20% funded, and are on our way to fully funding GEO-REx for underserved middle and high school students across Oklahoma! We have TWO weeks left of our PhilanthroPete Campaign, and every share and dollar makes a difference. 

The Boone Pickens School of Geology (BPSoG) are committed and focused on geoscience education for the next generation and community building. Not only is our school well-equipped and prepared to tackle global energy and geoscience problems impacting our every day lives, but who else is better to show the advantages of a geology degree from OSU than Pokes themselves? 

Luckily, there are oceans of possibilities of giving levels for donations. By donating to GEO-REx, you are supporting us in our endeavors to prepare the next generation of geoscientists, engage with underserved students across Oklahoma, and build a community of up-and-coming geoscientists. 

Thank you, we appreciate your support and cannot do this without you!  Go Pokes!

Support GEO-REx on National STEM/STEAM Day!

November 08, 2023

November 8 is National STEM/STEAM Day, which is day dedicated to inspiring people to explore the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math fields. 15% of STEM majors wind up dropping out during their first year, and one of our goals with GEO-REx is to work towards lowering that percent, as hands-on STEM opportunities have been shown to be successful in keeping students pursuing their STEM interests. 

We have had generous donations and are working towards reaching our goal to continue offering GEO-REx to students across Oklahoma at no cost to them. Can you help us reach 25% funded this week?

We are committed and focused on engaging in geoscience education for the next generation of scientists, we just need YOUR HELP to make it happen! 

Thank you, we appreciate your support!


We have Launched!

October 27, 2023

The Boone Pickens School of Geology has officially launched our PhilanthroPete campaign raising funds to continue running the Geosciences Educational Opportunity-Research Experience (GEO-REx), which is a critical part of our outreach effort.


We are passionate about engaging middle and high school students in the geosciences, and geoscience camps like GEO-REx allow us to reach students who would otherwise not have the opportunity to explore geoscience research and careers. Additionally, summer field experiences are especially important for rural and underserved communities, who might otherwise not have access to educational STEM opportunities during the summer. 


For the next 5 weeks, we are raising $10,000 to support the GEO-REx program. 


Will you help us reach our goal by contributing to our project? A gift of any amount will help, and / or sharing the link with others.


Thank you for your support in helping us enrich student experiences within Oklahoma. Go Pokes!

Choose a giving level


Arctic Ocean

Your donation will go towards supplies for student research projects of GEO-REx. Supplies may include notebooks, test kits, rock hammers, and more.


Southern Ocean

Your donation will cover room and board for one student for one night during GEO-REx.


Indian Ocean

Your donation will cover room and board for one student during GEO-REx.


Atlantic Ocean

Your donation will cover room and board for two students for the duration of GEO-REx.


Pacific Ocean

Your donation will cover room and board for four students during GEO-REx.


Core Sample

Your donation will cover room and board for six students during GEO-REx, as well as contribute to research supplies.


Research Vessel

Your donation will go towards room, board, travel, as well as research supplies for student attendees of GEO-REx.

Our Crowdfunding Groups