Members of the Horn Studio at Oklahoma State will be traveling to the Southeast Horn Workshop at the University of Georgia in February of 2024 and the International Horn Symposium/International Horn Competition of America at Colorado State University in August of 2024. During these conferences, students will perform as a studio, compete as individuals and ensembles, and attend clinics and recitals given by professional horn players from all over the world.
These events have been incredibly influential to the success of the students that have gone through our program. Graduates from the horn studio are teaching in public schools and universities while others are members of orchestras such as the Rochester Philharmonic and the Philadelphia Orchestra. These accomplishments don't happen without being exposed to prominent teachers and professional players at these conferences.
Oklahoma State has wonderful students and the horn studio is no exception. Your donations will help pay for individual registrations, air travel, car rental, and hotel costs. These experiences shaped my future when I was in college and I want the same for the very deserving students in my studio. Any amount will help and we look forward to sharing videos of our rehearsals and performances!
Thank you and GO POKES!
Lanette Lopez Compton
Professor of Horn
Horn players appreciate coffee! Energize a student for the weekend! Our professor would appreciate it! Donate for a shout out on our studio Facebook page!
This level covers registration for one student for Southeast Horn Workshop. Be here in spirit! Donate for a shout out on our Facebook page!
This level covers registration for one student for the International Horn Competition of America (IHCA). Donate for a shout out on our Facebook page!
The French horn is 216 inches long! Donate for a shout out on Facebook and a Thank you in our concert programs!
This level covers airfare for one student to get to the Southeast Horn Workshop.Donate for a shout out on Facebook and a Thank you on our concert program!
This level covers registration for one student for the International Horn Symposium (IHS). Donate for a shout out on our Facebook page and a Thank you in our concert program!
Every horn player dreams of being in tune! Attending these conferences will help us get closer to that dream! Donate for a shout out on Facebook and a Thank you on our concert program!
This level covers airfare for one full quartet, or four times the Southeast Airfare level. Donate for a shout out on Facebook and a Thank you on our concert program!