Horn players appreciate coffee! Energize a student for the weekend! Our professor would appreciate it! Donate for a shout out on our studio Facebook page!
This level covers registration for one student for Southeast Horn Workshop. Be here in spirit! Donate for a shout out on our Facebook page!
This level covers registration for one student for the International Horn Competition of America (IHCA). Donate for a shout out on our Facebook page!
The French horn is 216 inches long! Donate for a shout out on Facebook and a Thank you in our concert programs!
This level covers airfare for one student to get to the Southeast Horn Workshop.Donate for a shout out on Facebook and a Thank you on our concert program!
This level covers registration for one student for the International Horn Symposium (IHS). Donate for a shout out on our Facebook page and a Thank you in our concert program!
Every horn player dreams of being in tune! Attending these conferences will help us get closer to that dream! Donate for a shout out on Facebook and a Thank you on our concert program!
This level covers airfare for one full quartet, or four times the Southeast Airfare level. Donate for a shout out on Facebook and a Thank you on our concert program!