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Fall of 2023 - Annual OCRID Research Symposium & Seminar Series

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
4 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

We Still Need Your Help!

November 29, 2023

While our PhilanthroPete fundraiser was a huge success for OCRID. The need for supporting our critical research continues. Though PhilanthroPete is ending this week, there are still many ways you can give and make an impact:


  1. Donate directly through OCRID's website 
  2. Come to our events
  3. Follow their work and share important updates


The health of our community matters. You can ensure OCRID has the funding to sustain their vital studies into respiratory illnesses and infections. Support research that saves lives!


We Did It!

November 29, 2023

We did it! Thanks to our community's incredible generosity, Our PhilanthroPete fundraiser benefiting OCRID was a success! Thank you to all who donated - you are helping enable critical research into respiratory illnesses. So grateful! While this campaign ends, there will be future ways to keep supporting our vital research. Stay tuned!


Don't Miss Dr. Susan Kovats at OCRID Seminar this Wednesday!

November 13, 2023

Join us for an OCRID seminar this Wednesday, November 15th from 12-1:30pm in McElroy Hall Room 101.

Our speaker will be Dr. Susan Kovats, a Professor in the Arthritis and Clinical Immunology Research Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. Her talk is titled "Understanding Human Innate Immunity to Respiratory Viruses Using a 3D Lung Tissue Model."

Dr. Kovats' research provides important insights into immune responses to viruses like influenza, RSV, and COVID-19.

Hope to see you there!

#OCRID #seminar #OMRF #immunology #respiratoryviruses


Partner with Us to Save Lives

November 09, 2023

Friends of OCRID-

The Oklahoma Center for Respiratory and Infectious Diseases (OCRID) has an exciting road ahead in 2023. As a leading research center focused on understanding, treating, and preventing respiratory and infectious diseases, OCRID plays a vital role in protecting and improving public health. Our team of dedicated researchers are eager to continue making strides in our mission to conduct innovative research and provide exceptional patient care. The need for research on respiratory illnesses, antibiotic resistance, and new pathogens has never been greater. OCRID is committed to meeting these challenges and translating our findings into real-world solutions that save lives. We can't wait to see what the future holds as we redouble our efforts to combat disease and create a healthier world for all. To power this important work, we rely on the generosity of donors who share our vision. Contributions from our supporters enable us to pursue bold new research initiatives and life-changing therapies. If you believe in our mission, please consider making a donation so we can continue driving progress against infectious diseases.


Don't Miss the Next OCRID Fall Seminar on 11/8!

November 06, 2023

Join us for an enlightening seminar this week! 

This Wednesday, November 8th, OCRID is hosting guest speaker Dr. Jenna Bartley from UCONN Health as part of our Fall Seminar Series. She'll be presenting her latest research on how influenza can accelerate aging.

Her talk "Aches, Age, and Influenza: A Pathway to Muscle Loss and Disability” is from 12-1:30pm in McElroy Hall 101. 

Come learn about this timely topic! 

#OCRID #seminar #research #UCONN #health #influenza #immunology


Thanks for the Sweet Support at the OCRID Bake Sale!

November 06, 2023

 Thanks to everyone who supported the OCRID bake sale last week!

We were blown away by the enthusiasm and sold out within 2 hours! The proceeds will support OCRID's important biomedical research.

This just shows how passionate our community is. We couldn't do it without you!

Stay tuned for more OCRID events and ways to get involved. Together we can make a difference! ❤️

#OCRID #bakeale #fundraising #success #support #community #biomedical #research


Where We've Been and Where We'll Go

November 03, 2023

Friends of OCRID-

As we reflect during this milestone year, it's remarkable to see how far OCRID has come and how much our work matters to Oklahoma and beyond.

What started as a small research group has grown into a leading center, internationally recognized for discoveries into treatments for respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, and related conditions. Our clinical trials have brought new hope to thousands.

While we celebrate our success, our mission remains the same - to translate research into real-world solutions that save lives. We'll continue pushing boundaries, with compassion at the heart of all we do.

With renowned researchers, state-of-the-art facilities, and visionary partners, OCRID is poised to drive the future of lung health. Our most urgent and groundbreaking work still lies ahead.

Thank you for supporting our journey this far. We can't wait to see what the next year brings, as we relentlessly pursue new cures and better outcomes for every patient!


First OCRID Fundraising Bake Sale

November 03, 2023

Calling all those with a sweet tooth! The Oklahoma Center for Respiratory and Infectious Diseases (OCRID) is hosting their first ever bake sale today in the McElroy Hall Student Lounge from 11pm to 5pm. Stop by for homemade baked goods like cookies, brownies, and cupcakes while supporting OCRID's mission researching cures and improving treatments for respiratory illnesses, infectious diseases, and more.All proceeds going to support OCRID's important research. Whether you want to satisfy your cravings or donate to a great cause, be sure to visit the OCRID bake sale today!


OCRID Fall Seminar Series

October 23, 2023

OCRID is proud to present Dr. Andrew Pekosz as our guest speaker for our Fall Seminar Series this Wednesday, October 25th. Join us for an engaging discussion on Virus Surveillance and the Identification of Novel Genetic Mutations that Facilitate Virus Circulation. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to hear from one of Johns Hopkins' foremost researchers!

Choose a giving level


Ally of OCRID

$10-$19 donation Will receive an annual OCRID newsletter


Colleague of OCRID

$20-$79 donation Will receive an annual OCRID newsletter and social media recognition


Companion of OCRID

$80-$99 donation Will receive an annual OCRID newsletter, social media recognition, and OCRID Merchandise [pending]


Loyal Friend of OCRID

$100-$499 donation Will receive an annual OCRID newsletter, an invitation to weekly meetings, social media recognition, and OCRID merchandise [pending]


Ambassador of OCRID

$500-$999 donation Will receive an annual OCRID newsletter, an invitation to weekly meetings, social media recognition, a donor appreciation certificate, and OCRID merchandise [pending]


Partner of OCRID

$1,000+ donation Will receive an annual OCRID newsletter, special recognition at our Annual Symposium, an invitation to weekly meetings, social media recognition, a donor appreciation certificate, and OCRID merchandise [pending]

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