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Fall 2023 - United We Can Field Trips and Programming

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
26 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

United We Can/Unidos Se Puede May News- Year in Review

May 13, 2024

United We Can April News/Unidos Se Puede Noticias Abril

April 16, 2024

February United We Can News

February 19, 2024

Thank you! ¡Gracias!

January 09, 2024
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.

Last Day Push

November 29, 2023

Dear friends and colleagues,  

Today is the last day to donate to our program.

The United We Can/Unidos Se Puede program and our students are near and dear to our hearts. Our program has been partnering with Tulsa Public Schools for the past 10 years to reduce adolescent high-risk behaviors and help increase the number of underserved minority students enrolling in higher education. As part of an eight-week summer program, many of these students have a life-changing “aha” moment when they do relatively simple things like tour the OSU campus, put on a white lab coat, and interact with university students, professors, and Extension Educators. For most, it is their first time on a university campus! The United We Can/Unidos Se Puede program is collaborating with the PhilanthroPete project to expand our reach to more youth. If you haven’t already, will you please take a moment and go to our page (link below) and donate any amount? You can donate personally or in the name of your organization.  It only takes a moment to help change a life.   TO DONATE CLICK BELOW


2 Days Left!

November 28, 2023
Dear Esteemed Donors,

Thank you immensely for your generous contributions to the Unidos Se Puede and United We Can programs! Your support has propelled us closer to our goal of empowering underserved youth in the Tulsa area to envision brighter futures.

As of our most recent update, we have garnered an inspiring total of $1,154 from the kind generosity of 19 donors. With just 2 days remaining in our campaign, we are edging closer to reaching $5,000 to expand the opportunities for these deserving students further.

For those who might be new to our cause, both Unidos Se Puede and United We Can focus on empowering minority and low-income students, fostering a shift in mindset by exposing them to diverse career opportunities. Through immersive experiences, such as visits to OSU Stillwater and local institutions, these youths gain insights into higher education and real-world professions, igniting their aspirations for a brighter future.

Every contribution, no matter the amount, is a crucial step towards transforming lives and communities. The $250 per student cost for our summer programs is an investment in reshaping their trajectories and bolstering their belief in a future filled with possibilities.

Your continued support will enable us to facilitate more transformative experiences, helping these students realize their potential and become positive contributors to their communities. Let's join hands to ensure these programs have a lasting impact on the lives of these deserving youths.

To all who have contributed, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. For those considering donating, your support will be invaluable in helping us reach our $5,000 target and maximizing the number of participants benefitting from these life-changing experiences.

Please consider donating any amount you can spare. Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of these young individuals and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.
With gratitude,

The United We Can Team

2 Days Left!

November 28, 2023

¡Gracias inmensamente por sus generosas contribuciones al programa Unidos Se Puede!. Su apoyo ha sido fundamental para acercarnos a nuestro objetivo de empoderar a los jóvenes desatendidos del área de Tulsa para que visualicen un mejor futuro.

Hasta nuestra última actualización, hemos obtenido una recaudación total de $1,1544 gracias a la amable generosidad de 19 donantes. Con solo 2 días restantes de nuestra campaña, nos estamos acercando cada vez más a nuestra aspiración de alcanzar los $5,000 para ampliar aún más las oportunidades para estos estudiantes.

Para aquellos que puedan ser nuevos en nuestra causa, Unidos Se Puede se enfoca en empoderar a los estudiantes de minorías y de bajos ingresos, fomentando un cambio de mentalidad al exponerlos a diversas oportunidades profesionales. A través de experiencias inmersivas, como visitas a OSU Stillwater y a instituciones locales, estos jóvenes obtienen conocimientos sobre la educación superior y las profesiones del mundo real, lo que enciende sus aspiraciones de un futuro mejor.

Cada contribución, sin importar el monto, es un paso crucial hacia la transformación de vidas y comunidades. El costo de $250 por estudiante para nuestro programa de verano es una inversión para remodelar sus trayectorias y reforzar su creencia en un futuro lleno de posibilidades.

Su continuo apoyo nos permitirá facilitar experiencias más transformadoras, ayudando a estos estudiantes a desarrollar su potencial y a convertirsen en contribuyentes positivos para sus comunidades. Unamos nuestras manos para garantizar que estos programas tengan un impacto duradero en las vidas de estos jóvenes.

A todos los que han contribuido, extendemos nuestro más sincero agradecimiento. Para aquellos que estén considerando donar, su apoyo será invaluable para ayudarnos a alcanzar nuestro objetivo de $5,000 y maximizar la cantidad de participantes que se beneficiarán de estas experiencias que cambian vidas.

Por favor considere donar cualquier cantidad que pueda. Juntos podemos marcar una profunda diferencia en las vidas de estos jóvenes y allanar el camino hacia un futuro más brillante e inclusivo.

Con gratitud,

¡Ayude a transformar vidas a través de los programas Unidos Se Puede y Unidos Podemos!

November 20, 2023

¡Gracias inmensamente por sus generosas contribuciones al programa Unidos Se Puede!. Su apoyo ha sido fundamental para acercarnos a nuestro objetivo de empoderar a los jóvenes desatendidos del área de Tulsa para que visualicen un mejor futuro.


Hasta nuestra última actualización, hemos obtenido una recaudación total de $1,004 gracias a la amable generosidad de 17 donantes. Con solo 10 días restantes de nuestra campaña, nos estamos acercando cada vez más a nuestra aspiración de alcanzar los $5,000 para ampliar aún más las oportunidades para estos estudiantes.


Para aquellos que puedan ser nuevos en nuestra causa, Unidos Se Puede se enfoca en empoderar a los estudiantes de minorías y de bajos ingresos, fomentando un cambio de mentalidad al exponerlos a diversas oportunidades profesionales. A través de experiencias inmersivas, como visitas a OSU Stillwater y a instituciones locales, estos jóvenes obtienen conocimientos sobre la educación superior y las profesiones del mundo real, lo que enciende sus aspiraciones de un futuro mejor.


Cada contribución, sin importar el monto, es un paso crucial hacia la transformación de vidas y comunidades. El costo de $250 por estudiante para nuestro programa de verano es una inversión para remodelar sus trayectorias y reforzar su creencia en un futuro lleno de posibilidades.


Su continuo apoyo nos permitirá facilitar experiencias más transformadoras, ayudando a estos estudiantes a desarrollar su potencial y a convertirsen en contribuyentes positivos para sus comunidades. Unamos nuestras manos para garantizar que estos programas tengan un impacto duradero en las vidas de estos jóvenes.


A todos los que han contribuido, extendemos nuestro más sincero agradecimiento. Para aquellos que estén considerando donar, su apoyo será invaluable para ayudarnos a alcanzar nuestro objetivo de $5,000 y maximizar la cantidad de participantes que se beneficiarán de estas experiencias que cambian vidas.


Por favor considere donar cualquier cantidad que pueda. Juntos podemos marcar una profunda diferencia en las vidas de estos jóvenes y allanar el camino hacia un futuro más brillante e inclusivo.


Con gratitud,


Personal de Unidos Se Puede


Help Transform Lives Through Unidos Se Puede & United We Can Programs!

November 20, 2023
Dear Esteemed Donors,

Thank you immensely for your generous contributions to the Unidos Se Puede and United We Can programs! Your support has propelled us closer to our goal of empowering underserved youth in the Tulsa area to envision brighter futures.

As of our most recent update, we have garnered an inspiring total of $1,004 from the kind generosity of 17 donors. With just 10 days remaining in our campaign, we are edging closer to reaching $5,000 to expand the opportunities for these deserving students further.

For those who might be new to our cause, both Unidos Se Puede and United We Can focus on empowering minority and low-income students, fostering a shift in mindset by exposing them to diverse career opportunities. Through immersive experiences, such as visits to OSU Stillwater and local institutions, these youths gain insights into higher education and real-world professions, igniting their aspirations for a brighter future.

Every contribution, no matter the amount, is a crucial step towards transforming lives and communities. The $250 per student cost for our summer programs is an investment in reshaping their trajectories and bolstering their belief in a future filled with possibilities.

Your continued support will enable us to facilitate more transformative experiences, helping these students realize their potential and become positive contributors to their communities. Let's join hands to ensure these programs have a lasting impact on the lives of these deserving youths.

To all who have contributed, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. For those considering donating, your support will be invaluable in helping us reach our $5,000 target and maximizing the number of participants benefitting from these life-changing experiences.

Please consider donating any amount you can spare. Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of these young individuals and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.

With gratitude,

The United We Can Team


United We Can Update

November 14, 2023

Hello, United We Can Supporters! 

To date, 13 donors have helped us raise $875 toward our $5,000 goal.  We truly appreciate all of our Ambassadors, donors, and supporters! With 16 days left in our campaign, we are hopeful that we will reach our target.

United We Can is a free, research-based initiative provided by Oklahoma State University. Success Coaches meet with students twice a month or more and talk about grades, and goals, and establish steps for them to achieve those goals. United We Can also offers family nights once a month where everyone is welcome. At those gatherings, we talk about the growth mindset, the U.S. education system, and much more. Additionally, we provide field trips that provide insights into careers and career paths that our students are interested in pursuing. 

The United We Can/Unidos Se Puede program has been partnering with Tulsa Public Schools for the past 10 years to reduce adolescent high-risk behaviors and help increase the number of underserved minority students going into higher education. During our 8-week summer program, many of these students have a life-changing “aha” moment when they do relatively simple things like tour the OSU campus, put on a white lab coat, and interact with university students, professors, and Extension Educators. 
The United We Can/Unidos Se Puede program is collaborating with the PhilanthroPete project to expand our reach to more youth. Will you please take a moment and donate any amount? It only takes a moment to help change a life. 
Will you also help us by forwarding this message to others?

Thank you for your continued support! 

Choose a giving level


Kick Off

Help United We Can kick off our fundraiser with your gift!


Honoring Nancy Randolph Davis

Join us in honoring Nancy Randolph Davis, by giving the amount of her graduation year. Nancy Randolph Davis is the civil rights pioneer and first African-American student to attend Oklahoma State University when it was Oklahoma A&M College.


Each One Reach One

Your donation will cover the cost of one student to attend one career exploration field trip during the school year.


Travel Buddy

This level helps cover the cost of travel to and from career exploration field trips. If you or your business gives at this level you will receive special recognition on social media posts.


Pillar Level

This number represents the three pillars United We Can holds dear: Family Participation, Friendships, and Life Skills


America's Brightest Orange

This level will support a full-day college and career exploration event that includes travel, activities, and explorations at Oklahoma State University.


Executive Level

This level represents total funding that ensures United We Can will be able to provide: customized and interactive career exploration programs provision of guest speaker events, and community-focused family nights.

Our Crowdfunding Groups