By donating at this level, we will do a shout-out for your business/organization on our Instagram and Facebook story.
By donating at this level, we will do a shout-out for your business/organization on our Instagram and Facebook story and display your logo at our parking lot during OSU home football games.
By donating at this level, we will do a shout-out for your business/organization on our Instagram and Facebook story, display your logo at our parking lot during OSU home football games, and put your social media handle in our bios.
By donating at this level, we will do a shout-out for your business/organization on our Instagram and Facebook story, display your logo and hand out pamphlets/business cards at our parking lot during home OSU football games, and put your social media handle in our bios.
By donating at this level, we will do a shout-out for your business/organization on our Instagram and Facebook story, display your logo and hand out pamphlets/business cards at our parking lot during home OSU football games, put your social media handle in our bios, and display a your business/organization logo at our tent when we are at competitions.
By donating at this level, we will do a shout-out for your business/organization on our Instagram and Facebook story, display your logo and hand out pamphlets/business cards at our parking lot during home OSU football games, put your social media handle in our bios, display a your business/organization logo at our tent when we are at competitions, and make a video promoting your business/organization to post on Instagram and Facebook.