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Spring 2024- OSU Women in Aviation go to Conference

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
6 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 26, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners



Apr 03, 2024



Apr 03, 2024


Apr 03, 2024




Apr 02, 2024




Apr 01, 2024



Mar 25, 2024
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WAI since 1990

Women in Aviation International was founded in 1990 was formally established in 1994 as a nonprofit organization. The first International Women in Aviation Conference was held in Prescott, Arizona, in 1990. This gift will be used by students attending conference.


Banquet Ticket

$50 is the average cost of a ticket to the annual Women in Aviation International banquet held at the end of each conference. This gift will be used by students attending conference.


116 years of Aviation

Women have made a significant contribution to aviation since the Wright Brothers' first 12-second flight in 1903. Blanche Scott was the first women pilo in 1910, followed by Harriet Quimby who became the first licensed woman pilot in 1911, and in 1912, Harriet became the first woman to fly across the English Channel. Women continue to push aviation to new hieghts.


A Ticket to Conference

A student ticket to attend the annual Women in Aviation conference cost $200. This gift will be used for a student to attend conference.


Travel to Conference

The average cost of airfare to get to the city hosting the annual Women in Aviation conference. This gift will get one student to conference.


Hotel Stay for Conference

This is half of the average cost of the hotel for the entire stay for the OSU Women in Aviation group to attend conference. This gift will provide lodging for our girls to attend conference.

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