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Spring 2024- OSU Student Farm

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
21 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 26, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

The Student Farm

The Environmental Science Senior Capstone team has partnered with the Oklahoma State University Student Farm and OSU Dining to implement a campus composting system. The goal of the project is to eventually collect all green waste from campus and turn it into usable compost. By gathering food waste our goal is to reduce the amount of methane and greenhouse gasses that would accumulate in landfills and turn our waste into something beneficial to be used in cultivation and landscaping.

The Student Farm is a new project organized through First Cowboy Darren Shrum with the help of Horticulture and Landscape Management. Located at OSU’s old swine research facility, the area was constructed by students in the 1930’s. The site was abandoned for decades before it was given a new life. Currently, the farm is growing fresh produce to donate with the help and partnership of Our Daily Bread in hopes of aiding food insecurity in the community. The farm offers job and education opportunities to undergraduates who operate and maintain its tasks.

Our project has begun by collecting food waste from the Student Union to begin a compost pile to be used on the Student Farm. Availability of compost will help reduce the need for potentially expensive chemical fertilizers. The organic matter can improve water filtration, nutrient content, and reduce erosion of the soil. The compost will be used on the farm’s Certified Naturally Grown fields and help benefit overall food production. With the help of your donation, we hope to expand our project further by obtaining equipment to maintain the pile and spread the finished compost, as well as providing education to the community on how to reduce and repurpose everyday waste.

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Every Gift Counts!

Every gift is appreciated! We are very thankful for any donation given to help us make the Student Farm better! We will be sending you a Thank You letter to show our appreciation.


Households Servings

In the year, over 50 households were served per shopping session at Our Daily Bread. With the help from the new Student Farm, Our Daily Bread will be able to provide more, so more families can be served with fresh produce and meet their nutritional needs.



This donation will help us gain more equipment to help build the composting system, such as concrete blocks, and equipment to help maintain the garden, like shovels.


2,500 Individuals Served

The new Student Farm is in partnership with Our Daily Bread to help serve the local community. Our Daily Bread serves about 2,500 individuals each year by providing fresh produce and other food products to those in need.


The Tractor 500

To rotate the amount of compost that the Student Farm receives, a tractor and additional add-ons are needed. The tractor can handle a load a lot heavier than what a person can handle.

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