This donation helps to cover the registration fee for one student to attend a local conference!
This donation helps support general team activities, such as purchasing materials or paying conference registration fees.
This donation helps to cover transportation costs or accommodations for team members when attending local conferences.
This donation helps to cover travel and registrations fees for major conferences, allowing us to take more students!
Supporting MUN at this level will help to cover a hotel room for 4 students to attend a national conference!
This donation will help us to provide meals at conferences allowing us to lower the financial burden for all students in attendance!
This donation level would help to completely pay for 4 students to attend our spring conference at no out of pocket cost to them.
This donation will not only help OSU students attend local and national conferences but also to put on events that promote global learning in our community!
At the highest donor level, you are not only helping us to take as many students as possible to our spring conference but also helping to pay for development initiatives such as guest speakers, outreach events, and team bonding.