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Fall 2024- Building Musical Legacies: Support Cowboy Music Camp

Raised toward our $7,500 Goal
4 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 29, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners



Oct 25, 2024




Oct 23, 2024




Oct 23, 2024

Mónica Santillán

In Honor of Cowboy Music Camp


Oct 23, 2024
Choose a giving level


Tuning Up

Make a donation to the Cowboy Music Camp!


Campfire Melody

Help provide sheet music and practice materials for young musicians, lighting the spark of their musical journey. Perk: Recognition on our social media channels.


Trialblazer's Tune

Help fund transportation for campers to an off-site performances, guiding them to unforgettable musical experiences. Perk: Name listed on the camp’s donor recognition page and social media channels.


Saddle Up for Scholarships

Provide a commuter scholarship that give students the opportunity to participate in Cowboy Music Camp. Perk: Personalized thank-you note from a camper and recognition in our concert program, donor page, and social media channels.


Cowboy Crescendo

Provide a full residential scholarship for a deserving camper, enabling them to learn from top instructors and perform on a grand stage. Perk: Personalized thank-you note from a camper, VIP seating at the final concerts and recognition in all camp promotional materials and social media channels.


Wrangler of Music

Be a lead sponsor by supporting multiple scholarships and essential camp resources, wrangling up future musical leaders. Perk: Personalized thank-you note from a camper, exclusive invitation to a private reception with faculty and students, VIP seating at the final concerts and recognition in all camp promotional materials and social media channels.

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