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We appreciate the donations, shares, and messages.
Bookmark this page for project updates leading up to next summer's camp!
Help provide sheet music and practice materials for young musicians, lighting the spark of their musical journey. Perk: Recognition on our social media channels.
Help fund transportation for campers to an off-site performances, guiding them to unforgettable musical experiences. Perk: Name listed on the camp’s donor recognition page and social media channels.
Provide a commuter scholarship that give students the opportunity to participate in Cowboy Music Camp. Perk: Personalized thank-you note from a camper and recognition in our concert program, donor page, and social media channels.
Provide a full residential scholarship for a deserving camper, enabling them to learn from top instructors and perform on a grand stage. Perk: Personalized thank-you note from a camper, VIP seating at the final concerts and recognition in all camp promotional materials and social media channels.
Be a lead sponsor by supporting multiple scholarships and essential camp resources, wrangling up future musical leaders. Perk: Personalized thank-you note from a camper, exclusive invitation to a private reception with faculty and students, VIP seating at the final concerts and recognition in all camp promotional materials and social media channels.