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Fall 2024- CEHS Student Council

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
10 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 29, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners


November 20, 2024

We are so lucky to have so many award-winners and leaders in CEHS Student Council. Not only is the council as a whole award-winning, our individual students are, too!

Member holding certificate for scholarship award
Member holding certificate for scholarship award

Pops with Pups and Don't Duck with Cancer

November 14, 2024

Part of the many outreach programs and events Student Council puts on are things like Pops with Pups and Don't Duck with Cancer! Pops with Pups is a collaboration between Student Council and Pete's Pet Posse, encouraging students to take a moment to relax and self-care. Don't Duck with Cancer is a partnership to highlight and remember those who have had breast and ovarian cancer. This allowed students to learn more about this health issue and remember those who have fought and are fighting this disease. These are just a couple of the events you can help continue by donating to OSU College of Education and Human Sciences Student Council!

Students enjoying popsicles and puppies
Rubber duck representing those who fought cancer


November 06, 2024

Student Council had the opportunity to have professional photos taken! Pistols Firing!

Pistols Firing Council Members

Homecoming Winners!!!

November 06, 2024

We are so proud of our student council for placing 3rd in the Harvest Carnival, 1st in Sign Competition, and 2nd Sweepstakes Winner overall! Not only that, they won the Sea of Orange Parade Fan Favorite!

Members holding up OPEN Okstate library tote bags
Pistols Firing with OPEN okstate partnership
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Magnificent Ten

EHS Student Council has a leadership team of 10 magnificent people, including their executive team, committee chairs, and co-advisors. Show your support by donating $10 to honor this great group of outstanding leaders!


Support Student Organizations!

We have over 30 student organizations in the College of Education and Human Sciences that connect with all of our programs and majors. Student Council serves as representatives for these organizations and assists in their development. Show your support for our students and their organizations by making a donation at the $35 level.


The More the Merrier!

EHS Student Council includes dedicated returning members as well as outstanding new members, currently counted at about 75 members! Show your support by donating $1 for each current member.


CDL Centennial

Many of our students interact with the Cleo L. Craig Child Development Lab throughout their time with EHS. Help our Child Development Lab that several of our students work with celebrate their 100 year milestone and many more to come by donating $150!


Every Day Counts!

Our college students put their all into every day they attend classes (and the days they don't, too!) A semester consists of between 60 and 80 school days, so we invite you to donate roughly a dollar for each day our students are working towards their degrees!


Make it Grand!

Help our students make it a Grand Year for the College of Education and Human Sciences and show our student that we invest in them and their development by donating a grand!

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