Give $11 because the last time OSU won District 10 competition was in 2011.
Donate a dollar in honor of the year NSAC was started at OSU, 1976.
Donate the cost of 1 room for two nights at Nationals in New Orleans, LA. This will help 4 students have a hotel room for the entire competition.
24 students, 4 teams. Creative, Promotions, Account Services, Media. They all had a role. $15,000 divided four ways and you get $3750. This could help a whole team make it to nationals.
Whoaaaaa. We're halfway there. Whoa-aaaa. We're living on a prayer. Take our hands, we'll make it I swear. Whoa-aaa. (Really hoping you love Bon Jovi and will donate money to help all of us make it halfway to New Orleans.)
You're an angel sent from heaven who is nice enough to fund our entire trip. Please and thank you!